After our Christmas in Memphis, we headed to Nashville for Matt's side of the family. We got there on Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday, Daniel and Julie showed up. Cooper loves his Uncle Daniel and Aunt Julie. They play so well with him! At home, Cooper has to fend for himself, so he was glad to have some company! :)

Uncle Daniel reading books with Cooper

On Friday, we had the extended Tignor Family Christmas. Everyone came over to Tom and Suzanne's house (Matt's parents), and we celebrated there. It was the first time we had it at their house, and it went well. Lots of good food to eat and presents to open.

Papaw playing with Cooper

Coop liked to eat his presents before opening them!

The next day was Saturday which was Christmas morning! Usually Tom and Suzanne cook a big breakfast and have everyone back over to their house if they can make it. Well Friday night it had snowed. We weren't sure if anyone was going to make it. Thankfully Papaw, Mamaw, and Aunt Wanda were the brave ones! We are glad they could come!

I love Julie's face in this picture! It shows how excited she gets with Cooper. She is so good with kids!

Coop and all his stocking stuffers!

Coop and Aunt Wanda

Enjoying Christmas breakfast

Papaw and Coop. Love that smile!

Uncle Daniel is trying to teach Coop how to walk before he even crawls! :)
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