So both of these posts are way overdue, but better late than never!
On Cooper's official birthday, I decided he needed a haircut! I had been waiting forever to give him one. I was determined not to do anything until his first birthday. So, when April 13th rolled around, I got out the clippers. I was a little nervous about it simply because he is afraid of loud noises (blender, vacuum cleaner, dust buster, etc.), so I thought he would scream and cry as soon as I started on his head. But he actually did great! We took him outside to see Roxie. This dog is a GREAT distraction. I put Cooper in Matt's lap and worked just as fast as I could! I did his back and sides on the highest guard setting. I wasn't sure how it would look since his hair is so fine. It really turned out ok. The top part was the hardest. I got out my scissors and went to work! I've been cutting Matt's hair ever since we got married, so I'm used to cutting, but this little person was very wiggly! I ended up quitting not very satisfied with the top, but overall it looked good. I took him out several days later and trimmed it up again. Anyways enjoy the BEFORE and AFTER pictures!
BEFORE - the back and sides |
BEFORE - see how long it is over his ears! |
You did a good job on Cooper's hair! I absolutely love that picture of yall you have as your header. Where is your (brown) shirt from? It's so cute!