Mom and I took Cooper to the Montgomery Zoo today. I had not been yet and wanted to see what it was like. We got there when the gates opened (9:00 am) to take advantage of the coolest part of the day. It is only $10 per person to get into the zoo with no parking fee. I'm used to the Memphis Zoo which is much more than that, so I was very excited. The zoo had tons of shaded walkways. It was so nice to be able to keep Cooper in the shade the majority of the time. I only took a couple of pictures and videoed the rest. We were there for about 3 hours. Towards the end, we were really burning up, so Mom and I just quickly saw the remaining animals. I have to say that I was very impressed with the zoo. I guess I wasn't expecting much, because the price was so cheap, but I think that when Cooper gets older, we will get a Season Pass. Anyways, the first video is of Cooper getting cooled down with the sprinklers and then the second video is of him riding on the train. The remaining video I took is of the animals. I thought it would be a really good thing for him to have when he gets older.
Big Richard's Bay 2025
4 weeks ago
It's a great zoo, isn't it? We have gone once a week since we've been here! The season pass is totally worth's already paid for itself! Next time, call me and we'll meet up for lunch or something!