That we are entering the phase of one nap a day. I just don't think I could handle that! Cooper has never been a good napper, so when he does go down for a nap, I rejoice! Well today, he has only taken a one-hour nap. (The picture is of me trying to rock him to sleep. He doesn't look too happy about it either!). So basically all the things I usually get done during his second nap, have not gotten done today. Needless to say, he will be going to bed early! Anyways, for those experienced Moms out there, when did your child transition from two naps to one?
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Big Richard's Bay 2025
4 weeks ago
I was just talking to Erin about this yesterday. I was telling her about Ainsley's sleep schedule and Erin said because of how much she sleeps (which is a lot) she isn't anywhere near being ready. I was curious because I work in a toddler room (starts at 12 months), and we only have 1 nap a day at 12:30. So those babies are usually to 1 nap by 13 months. Now that's because they have to due to being in "school" and using our routine. Some of them start at 12 months and are still at 2 naps but pretty quickly transition to 1. I think Erin is right though in saying depending on your child's activity, willingness to sleep, and how much sleep they seem to need to get through the day is what tells you when they are "ready" for 1 nap a day. And hopefully if he's tired enough and you let him here soon he will take a longer nap as opposed to 2 shorter ones. Don't know if this helped but thought it was funny because we were just talking about this. Oh, and I am terribly sorry. I know you are exhausted! Hang in there!